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Monday, November 29, 2010

Dangers of Slimming Drug and Weight Loss Medication

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Dangers of slimming drug and weight loss medication. Habit of taking slimming drugs without a prescription can trigger early menopause., Resulting in women will be prone to various diseases at a young age.
Gynecologist says that slimming drug can suppress the production of various hormones in the brain. If the hormone is kept pressed will cause the brain does not produce hormones anymore.
Though the body still needs a hormone produced these stops. The effect can be to the entire body including the ovaries. As a result of menopause can occur prematurely.
According to the gynecologist, the use of slimming drugs without a prescription is caused by the tendency of fast-paced society that wants instant aliases including in the case of thin body. In fact, many of which consume more than one type of drug.


 The drugs that make women could early menopause, are the drugs that are not usually prescribed by doctors. In addition to slimming drug factors, early menopause can also be caused by factors of unhealthy foods.
Menopausal women will usually experience a variety of complaints, both short and long term. As for the long-term complaints, because menopause is a result of estrogen deficiency, potentially menopausal women have osteoporosis, bone fractures,
and even cardiovascular disease / heart and blood vessels.

Osteoporosis is a major cause of fractures (hip, spine] and joint pain (knee and others) in menopausal women. In addition, women entering menopause stage significantly increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) due to decreased estrogen.

Therefore, rather than taking medication, better follow my article on tips to lose weight naturally.