Eggs do contain a fairly high cholesterol, 213 milligrams per item. Therefore, the food sources of these proteins had previously been declared as a major cause of heart disease. In fact, cholesterol from food is not the major cause of clogged arteries, but saturated fats and trans fats.
The risk of heart disease than healthy breakfast this one is more due to the mixtures, especially butter, which has a higher saturated fat content than the egg itself. Therefore, you can suppress the amount of saturated fat by eating a boiled egg.
The experts stated that the eggs contain healthy nutrients and are generally safe if limited to one item per day. Also, try to reduce cholesterol from other food, like meat. You should consume no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Egg Consumption and the Facts Behind it
Detoxify Your Body Now !
If you feel powerless and less power, or have skin problems, pain and injury, or digestion, maybe it's time to detoxify your body. Detoxification, cleansing and maintenance of your body from the inside out, can help avoid illness and improve the ability to maintain optimum health.
You can start with simple tips below and integrate it into your daily life to experience an amazing change in your life.
Detox food.
If you want to give a fresh start for five to seven days in the body, "clean food consumption" is the most effective way to detoxify your body. By eating more whole foods and a little poison, you'll get amazing results.
Tip 1: Start your day with a large glass of warm lemon water.
Natural Diet Tips, safer and healthier
Ideal body weight is the dream of all people. Although it is not easy to do but many women are willing to starve and exercise for hours. A good diet is not by way of fast food but also setting based on age and activity.
Here are some tips that are guaranteed to make your diet better and healthier.
1. Avoid thinking all or nothing. Fasting is also good for weight loss. Eat enough and set the intake of calories wisely.
2. Cut the fruits that you like in small pieces to replace unhealthy snacks.
3. Avoid eating snacks from the jar, you will not realize how much has been entered into your mouth. Put in a plate or simply take a handful.
4. If you include people who like bread, choose a wholegrain.
5. Avoid foods that contain more than 10 percent fat. Read the nutrition information labels on the boxes of food.
6. Write down the foods that you eat for 2 weeks. Believe you'll be surprised!
7. Butter has saturated fat content. Avoid or replace it with low fat.
8. Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go. That way you will not be dehydrated and also less likely to choose a fizzy drink or too much sugar.
9. Try detoxification, to remove toxins in your body
10. Snack good for you for lunch or evening to prevent overload.
Dangers of Slimming Drug and Weight Loss Medication
Dangers of slimming drug and weight loss medication. Habit of taking slimming drugs without a prescription can trigger early menopause., Resulting in women will be prone to various diseases at a young age.
Gynecologist says that slimming drug can suppress the production of various hormones in the brain. If the hormone is kept pressed will cause the brain does not produce hormones anymore.
Though the body still needs a hormone produced these stops. The effect can be to the entire body including the ovaries. As a result of menopause can occur prematurely.
According to the gynecologist, the use of slimming drugs without a prescription is caused by the tendency of fast-paced society that wants instant aliases including in the case of thin body. In fact, many of which consume more than one type of drug.
Milk Chocolate for Health
Benefits of chocolate milk for health. For some people, chocolate milk taste really boring. Even children prefer to drink other than chocolate milk. However, researchers found that fat-free chocolate milk to keep the body, fill and rebuild the muscles to help the body recover.
Maybe you do not already know the benefits of chocolate milk, fat-free chocolate milk is more effective than the liquid carbohydrate specifically designed to increase energy. These findings have been published by James Madison University at the conference of the American College of Sports Medicine, in Seattle.
Drinking fat-free chocolate milk after exercise or do activities that emit a lot of energy, could help prepare the muscles to do the game or the next activity. The combination of carbohydrates and proteins contained in milk chocolate are found in the ratio of the most profitable and best suited to restore power.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Fruitarianism, assuming that the fruit has the highest quality.
Ever hear the word fruitarianism? As with the various genres of lifestyle, fruitarianism also keeps the good and bad. How appropriate guidance while maintaining a healthy body by eating only fruit?
Fruitarianism is a diet that only eat fruits, nuts, seeds, and other plants that come from plants that are harvested without damaging or harming the plant itself.
Fruitarianism lifestyle is kind of strict diet as a vegetarian diet. Of course, like any other special diet, many perpetrators are also fruitarianism other foods. But, most still consumes 50 percent or more fruits in their daily diet.
Are you ready to become a vegetarian?
Because the reasons for health, beauty, love of animals, and reduce global warming, making the person ultimately reduce or completely do not consume animal flesh and dairy products. Such a person is usually called vegetarians. But, did you know that there are several types of vegetarians on the basis of what is consumed? What are the benefits and difficulties that have to undergo a diet like this?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Healthy by laughing
Human biologist, Professor Carsten Niemitz from Berlin, said that some primate species develop body language and facial expression are complex, including tens of millions of laughs since last year. The goal for facial expression laughing to prevent same-sex aggression, and to differentiate between serious action and where the action was just kidding, are distinguished by a complicated facial expression.
Ancestor of man has proven that laughter can avoid bloodshed in the group. With body language and facial expression are friends, proliferation or ethnic group can be guaranteed. Especially living beings who know the social order, requires a clear signal to show the friendly attitude. For example, groups of chimpanzees to develop what is called a facial expression that is playing a slightly opened mouth drawn upwards. With laughter coupled human-like laughter, chimpanzee playing with the other chimps in her group. Chimpanzee facial expression and sound of laughter is like a human, not a mere coincidence.
Behavioral biologist at the University of Berlin, Prof.Dietmar Todt said, laughing is a kind of biological pattern to show a peaceful attitude. With that, the hierarchy is no longer a rigid restrictions and tense situation disbursed. What is also very interesting, in his research, Prof.. Niemeitz prove, that the low hierarchical group or a group of females, more often laughs than male group or hierarchy of authority.
The great benefits of Avocado
Avocado (Persea americana) is the fruit that we often encounter. This versatile fruit has many benefits and efficacy for humans. There are many benefits-rich substances contained in this fruit. Avocados are often used for juice or ice mixed in the material as well as other dishes. It was a pleasure to make a lot of people liked it. Some people are afraid to consume it because it is considered to have a high fat content. Is this true? What are the benefits and efficacy of avocado?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Vitamin C in fruit
Vitamin C is one vitamin that is needed by the body and serves to enhance the immune system. When the body needs vitamins and minerals is sufficient, then all kinds of diseases can be prevented. Consuming vitamin C which also function as an antioxidant proven to ward off viruses such as influenza virus, so if we just meet this need, then we will be more rarely have the flu.
This vitamin is easily soluble in water so that when the vitamin is consumed than required, the excess is discarded in the urine. Because not stored in the body, vitamin C should be consumed every day. Average doses required for adults is 60-90 mg / day. But it could be more depending on the condition of the body and endurance of each person is different. Maximum permissible limit for vitamin C is 1000 mg / day.
This vitamin deficiency can cause bleeding gums, canker sores, muscle pain or nerve disorders. Further deficiencies lead to anemia, frequent infections and rough skin. While the excess vitamin C can cause diarrhea. When excess vitamin C due to the use of supplements in a long time can cause kidney stones, while if the excess vitamin C from fruits generally do not cause side effects.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wake up early, even in times of winter!
In the winter, the most fun activity sure to laze in the house accompanied by a warm blanket or a fireplace. You must be lazy to do anything because the air is very cold outside. If you're lying in bed, you will definitely feel reluctant to get up to do the activity.Waking up is the first activity in your day. Believe me! If you are lazy to get out of bed, then you will never be able to start your day. You'll feel like a bear who is doing hibernation in the winter.
I have some tips for you to get up early so you can start the activity more quickly even though it is winter.
Maintain a healthy body in the winter
Simple but important! Tips to stay healthy
12 activities that are simple but the effect on our lives. Should never be violated.
1. Use the left ear to talk on the phone.
2. Do not drink coffee more than once a day.
3. Do not Drink pill (drug) with cold water.
4. Do not eat large portions above at 6 pm.
5. Reduce the portion of tea you do every day.
6. Reduce oily food you consume.
Healthier life with tropical fruit
Eating fresh fruit also has benefits for the health of our bodies, because of the content of various vitamins and minerals contained therein. For this reason, consumption of fruit is recommended in the program daily food menu. Here are a few kind of fruit and its benefits to your body.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
List of healthy foods for our heart
The following is a list of heart-healthy diet that consists of a variety of staple food. This is the result of research the American Medical Association tried to make the best food for the heart healthy way of life in the application.
The list below must exist in our food menu, good breakfast, lunch or dinner. Suitable also for use as a menu for a healthy diet tips and also how to fatten the body.
The importance of breakfast
Often we ignore the breakfast, sometimes because of busy or make up time so that breakfast was neglected. Actually breakfast contains many benefits. The reason for the importance of breakfast can be found at the following article.
Before you know the benefits of, or due to breakfast, maybe we need to know what it is breakfast? Breakfast is a meal that is eaten when the morning before we indulge, the food is composed of staple food and side dishes or can be snack food. The amount of food eaten when sarapani is approximately less than 1 / 3 of a regular diet.
The benefits that we can when we routinely eat breakfast or breakfast are:
What you should know about mineral water.
Without food humans can still survive for weeks, without water? do not expect! you do not live high on the mountain himalaya for Meditation, but you live in a big city which is too "sweaty".
Almost 70% of human body weight are all filled with water, water coming out of the body each day the range of 3-4 liters / day would be if we actively exercise.
and here's the comparison:
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Healthy life is not difficult!
There are some things that are often missed in life, so that the harmful effects of this habit will come disturb our health. This can happen only because of irregular living habits. Habits are skipping meals, lack of drinking water, lack of movement up to the high-calorie snacking snacks.
Is that easy? It seems easy. But why when applied it was hard? Because we are living in the environment that has been authorize the bad habits become the norm.
5 easy ways to live healthy
Here are five ways you can do to get a healthy body through diet, including:
Healthy living is easy
Hi all. This is my first post on this blog. If you want to know more about my previous blogs, please visit here.
We all know that most people lead a less healthy lifestyle. Environmental pollution is also a factor that makes our lives is not healthy. Not to mention the irregular eating patterns, technological advances that make us lazy to move, and so forth.
Therefore, on this blog I will give some info that might be useful to readers.
Healthy life can begin now, from ourselves, teach it to others, and apply it in real life.
- Disease (4)
- Fitness (7)
- Food (14)
- Knowledge (1)
- Life Style (22)
- Egg Consumption and the Facts Behind it
- Detoxify Your Body Now !
- Natural Diet Tips, safer and healthier
- Dangers of Slimming Drug and Weight Loss Medication
- Milk Chocolate for Health
- Fruitarianism, assuming that the fruit has the hig...
- Are you ready to become a vegetarian?
- Healthy by laughing
- The great benefits of Avocado
- Vitamin C in fruit
- Wake up early, even in times of winter!
- Maintain a healthy body in the winter
- Simple but important! Tips to stay healthy
- Healthier life with tropical fruit
- List of healthy foods for our heart
- The importance of breakfast
- What you should know about mineral water.
- Healthy life is not difficult!
- 5 easy ways to live healthy
- Healthy living is easy