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Friday, December 31, 2010

Nutrition of Mushrooms


Indeed the popularity of mushrooms as a nutritional content of foods is not caused, but mainly because it seems exotic.

Typically arise when the mushrooms taste cooked. Mushrooms taste delicious partly due to glutamic acid content was quite high. Fungal Proteins consist of a number of essential and nonessential amino acids. The highest amino acid content of lysine in fungi than other essential amino acids.


Eating Fried Fish Instead Trigger a Stroke?


Nutrition experts always recommend three types of healthy foods that must be consumed namely fruits, vegetables, and fish. But, whether the fish is processed by frying included in healthy foods?

Apparently not. At least according to a study to see the link between fish consumption and stroke. Surveys conducted in the area called "stroke belt" in America, namely Carolina, Arkansas and Louisiana, because of the high stroke patients in this area, found the majority of the population regularly eat fish, but processed by frying.

Strokes caused by blood vessels that supply nutrients to the brain are blocked due to blockages in blood vessels. As a result, nerve cells that need oxygen to die. All factors that increase the risk of heart disease, such as hypertension and high cholesterol, can also cause a stroke.

According to the study, 32 percent of the population in the region "stroke belt" eating fried fish twice a week, even more, than residents in other areas.

Dr.Fadi Nahab, director of the stroke program at Emory University Hospital, said frying will cause a stroke prevention benefits of fish go missing.

A study conducted in Spain found that when fried in unsaturated fatty acid content of omega-3 found in fish will disappear and be replaced by fat are not healthy. This was mainly on deep-sea fish such as salmon. In other species of fish, a decrease of omega-3 that occur are not as many fish in the sea.

"Eating fish is not enough. Of particular interest is how to cultivate it," said Nahab. Instead of being fried, he suggested the fish steamed, baked, or made soup.

translated from : here

Concentration-Enhancing Foods


Lost is actually a normal thing, but if this situation occurs naturally productivity often participate disturbed. We so can not focus the mind on things more important. No wonder so many are now offered a supplement which is claimed to improve memory, concentration and brain function.

Actually benefits from supplements to improve brain function is still questionable. Moreover, as we age, bodily functions, too old. The good news is that we can maintain brain health, if we add smart food in the daily menu.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sex Position Determine Baby's Sex?


Naturally, women have the possibility of pregnancy about 20-25 percent in a single cycle of 20-something years of age. That is, at the age of 20 years, at each cycle of ovulation, the possibility of becoming pregnant is 20-25 percent.
The sex itself has been formed since the merger of the cell (fertilization) between sperm cells with egg cells in the oviduct. Thus, the process of man is not in the womb, but at the end of the fallopian tube called the ampulla.
After the meeting, arguably all human basic material has been formed. There was incorporation of chromosomes of mother and father's chromosomes, including sex will also be formed. In the event of any abnormality, can already known.
After that, cells that have joined earlier came back and stuck to the uterus to embryo. Or vice versa, come out again as menstruation. In the event of a merger between the Y sperm and an egg cell X, it will be a male fetus. Women only carry one type of chromosome (X), while men have 2 types of sperm carrying X and Y chromosome

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Most Popular Diet of 2010


Diets that promise drastic weight loss become a tempting lure for those who crave a slim body. Because of that, so there is a new diet method was introduced, many people in droves to try it. Sometimes, a new diet method was able to survive and give satisfactory results. However, diets that more often just a scene in the beginning when the newly introduced and then go away because they can not be applied.

Here are 5 popular diet method in 2010. Perhaps you've ever tried one of them. 

"Ice cubes" diet. Method of diet ice cubes (ice cube diet) is in accordance with its name. When you feel like snacking, just chew-chew ice cubes. But this is not just any ice, but ice that has been inserted Hoodia and is designed to eliminate hunger. Diet method is promising that your weight will go down in 40 days. However, the price of ice cubes to the diet is relatively expensive, around Rp 600,000 for 40 days.

Football Minimize the Risk of Depression


If talk of depression, then men are the group most reluctant to come to a psychologist to recognize her experience psychological disorders. This fact was conveyed by Siobhain McArdle from Dublin City University at the annual conference of the British Psychological Society's Division of Clinical Psychology, last December in the UK.

McArdle and his team studied 104 men aged 18-40 years. The men were then divided into three groups. First, the group who do sports individually. Second, those who exercise group then completed with cognitive behavioral-based therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. The third group did not do anything.

The Possibility of New Ways of Preventing HIV


Researchers from the University of Minnesota, USA found that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) bind to and destroy specific antiviral proteins in the human body called APOBEC3F. The results of this study open the possibility of the presence of a new approach to combating HIV / AIDS by utilizing the antiviral activity of certain proteins.

Human cells produce antiviral proten apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide (APOBEC) that have unique and natural ability to destroy HIV. However, HIV develop ways to overcome obstacles by using a protein called virion infectivity factor (VIF) to lower the APOBEC proteins and make the virus spread.

Five Key Health Tests for Women


Not a few illnesses who secretly undermined the body without ever causing symptoms. That's why a medical examination be performed, at least once a year. Especially if it pertained dilakoni lifestyle is not healthy.

Here are the types of tests needed for women's health.

Chewing Candy is Not the Main Enemy of Teeth


Cavities is one of the most prevalent health problems. Although many children suffered, but the cavities are a lifelong problem for many people. What are the factors that cause cavities?

Worst enemy of the teeth are foods containing sugars and starches, such as carbohydrates. Bacteria in the mouth will change some sugar and carbohydrates that we eat into acid. Bacteria and acid deposition dibektuknya become sticky, called dental plaque, attached to the tooth surface.

The acid formed in plaque damage and attack the minerals on the outer surface of tooth enamel. Erosion caused by plaque will create small holes in the enamel surface.

Most people think candy sweet as the main destroyer of teeth, whereas a sweet carbonated drink, like cola, more dangerous because the carbonation would increase the production of acid in the mouth. Some studies also show sports drinks (sports drinks) will damage the tooth enamel due to its sugar content.

To prevent this, do the following: - Reduce consumption of sugary foods, including soft drinks and sports drinks.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Office = Life-Toxins Nest ?


Yup, the office where we spent 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks in a month turned out to be a nest life-toxins. Office can be a toxin not only for your emotional balance (ed: deadlines, bosses who are fierce, the atmosphere is less conducive to work, etc.), but also can interfere with physical health. How is this possible? Is not the office boy is always diligent in cleaning every corner of the office before the residents come? For more details, let us refer to the following information:

1. Laser printer toner ink contamination.

Did you know that ink toner in laser printers can pollute the lungs as comparable as the particles produced in cigarettes? Research conducted by Queensland University, Australia has confirmed the truth of the statement. Therefore, try not to sit too close to the printer.

Breathing Easier With Music.


Music does have a high value in medical therapy. When listening to music, electric waves in the listener's brain can be slowed and accelerated so that the performance of the body is changing. Even music can also affect heart rate and blood pressure.
It was one of them proven in 200 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) who use a ventilator. When they played classical music, like Mozart's piano sonatas or pleasant music, the pulse of the patient breath more slowly and their anxiety is reduced. 

Even the researchers from the Cochrane Library is doing this research said that music works better than drugs to calm the patient as long as they get on a ventilator with mechanical ventilation.
Mechanical ventilation which is used for breathing apparatus known to cause various complications. For example, shortness of breath, often sucking air, difficulty speaking, fear and discomfort that causes anxiety. 

An Orange is More "Powerful" Rather Than Pills.


The scientists discovered the reason why an orange give greater benefits to you than taking Vitamin C or other pills.

Researchers at Brigham Young University, Utah, United States, reports research published in the Journal of Food Science stated, oranges contain a unique mix of antioxidants. This combination provides the benefits of a far more effective than if the substances in citrus consumed separately.

Antioxidants are known as a substance that is useful to slow the aging body's cells, protect against cancer, and help prevent heart disease.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Get Your Ideal Body Back!


Holidays tend to make everyone feel happy because it can be refreshing and doing activities with family, friends and other loved ones. The mind becomes more calm and fresh as a rest from daily work routines.

But, there are concerns that are normally hidden by the end of the holiday season. What is it? Yup ... The weight that rises out of control is an obstacle to many women because food hunting activities during the holidays.

But along with the end of the holidays, we like getting up from a beautiful dream, ideal weight should be returned, as soon as possible! Well, if you are one of them, it's time to make a resolution: "GET MY IDEAL BODY BACK!"

Follow these tips. If you are disciplined for doing so, then the weight will drop 1 to 2.5 kg in just a span of 2 weeks. Good luck!